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  • Writer's pictureDJ Lady Katt

Kingdom Culture Music Review: CREDO by Travis Snipes

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

Travis Snipes goes hard. His DMX like growl punctuates each bar with power and the passion of truth he speaks. the track has a freestyle like flow with no hooks, but space is allowed between the versus so the song can “breathe”. The intro is dramatic, but uncomplicated and the guitar sample used in the melody gives the song an old-school, 1970’s vibe that gives life and color to the cautionary-tale themed lyrics. The track is well engineered and has great sound quality.

Adding a hook would have given the song a more commercial feel, but the lyrics and beat keep your ear and induces your head to bob a bit.

Favorite bar: “rap is my genes no need for guessin”

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