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  • Writer's pictureDJ Lady Katt

Kingdom Culture Music Review: Took Me Outah That

Took Me Outah That – Yapah Q

Video Review

The beat is infectious. The message is undeniably trill and you can fill its depth in your soul.

Tick-Toc, tick-toc: The struggle between life and death begins. As we come into this world the scales are tipped for or against a new soul depending on the forces around them. Thus, we are born in need of deliverance. Birth, bloodshed, spiritual warfare and sacrifice fill each frame in the opening scene of the video “Took Me Outah That”, the debut single for Urban Inspirational Artist Yapah Q. This track was produced by Nagaris Johnson and opens with the sound of time running out for humanity. The lyrics are both a celebration of deliverance and a cautionary tale to get your life right while you still have the grace of time.

Perry Jackson of P.S. Visuals captured the rawness of life that pieces together each scene to develop a snapshot. It brings together each element like the childbirth, the plate of chips and bologna, and the robbery. There is a subtle use of shadows, and glimpses of light throughout, indicating hope in dark times.

The beat will make you rock, but the lyrics will make you think. Both capture the essence of us trying to steer our lives in accordance with God’s masterplan and being pulled away from that plan by situations and circumstances. Yapah Q does an excellent job of depicting transformation throughout the various scenes from a bearer of life, a party girl to a wise teacher.


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